How you can Help

Please fill out this information and select one of the item along with your donation. Thank you for making the difference in special needs children.

Adopt a 1 Child per 1 yr. Rehabilitation services


Food for lunch / one week for 40 students


Food for One month for 40 students


By buying a School Uniform & Books for 40 student


By buying a Classroom furniture required 10 chairs and table


By sponsoring a school minibus /van


Sponsoring the physiotherapy service for the children per 1 week


Sponsoring Speech therapy service for the children per 1 week


By sponsoring an event like sports day, cultural day, world disabled day, New Year ’s Day, Diwali, Dussera,Sankranthi, Christmas, Ugadhi festivals and any Birthday functions


By providing essential commodities like rice vegetables and other general/kirana items, on regular/occasional basis


1 quintal rice per month


By sponsoring their expenditure on a devotional trip or a picnic trip/an educational trip an entertainment activity


By celebrating your/your family birthday functions


By celebrating your anniversary/marriage day


By sharing/sponsoring school bus expenditure per month


By Sponsoring a Solar Street light


By Sponsoring an Electronic Wheelchair


Television in Dining Hall


Water Purifier Unit




Speech Trainer Equipment


Metal Cabinets


1 Desktop Computer


10 Desktop Computers


Child Adoption